Full Immersion Spanish at Wenatchee, Washington

The Full Immersion Spanish Institute in Wenatchee, Washington kicked off for their 10th year on the 16th of June. This summer there are 30 participants. We also have the opportunity to have two different instructors from WSU. Adriana Solis-Black from Costa Rica and Marlon Valencia from Columbia. Nan Cuvas returns for her 8th year as an instructor. The student from the most distant location is Monica Acton from Haines, Alaska. We also have several return participants from the Eastmont School District and are happy to have them back to increase their language skills.
Here is a photo of the class, in the hallway of the new Wenatchi Hall at Wenatchee Valley College. The classes are being held in this facility for the first time and participants are enjoying the new diggs! Two of the participants this year are from Wenatchee Valley College and this is where they work so easy to go down the hall to class!
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